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The World of Wireless
One DAS at a Time

Services Engineered for Your Needs


protecting our public

In this imperfect world, it is our duty to help protect our friends and families by providing our First Responders with the coverage they need.

New building materials and the ever changing skylines of our cities, make it more difficult than ever for macro signals to reach First Responders operating indoors and underground.

A properly deployed ERRCS (Emergency Responder Radio Communication System) and DAS (Distributed Antenna System) will provide that seamless coverage needed to 

keep our communities safe.

Stay Connected During Every Emergency.

Picture of a Radio Tower

our mission

At spARC, we refuse to leave a system commissioned incorrectly. A DAS should never be optimized, "well enough".


True optimization requires precision.

And when it comes to Safety, there should be no short cuts.


Our Engineering and Educational services are carefully curated to deliver solutions and certifications that go above and beyond the expectations of your customers and the expectations of your AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdictions).

Whether you're a DAS vendor, a building owner, fire alarm & sprinkler vendor, or an AHJ looking for guidance, let us clear the smoke and help you navigate the world of properly Engineered wireless systems.


an engine
just a paperweight
without a

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